ZBB2150 Fiber Optics cable Construction Business for Sale in Southern California
Established over 27 years ago, this Company provides services and expertise to the Telecommunication Industry in Concrete and Asphalt Restoration, Directional Drilling, Cable placement, Conduit Installation, Aerial cable installation, General Engineering, Restoration, Coaxial and Fiber Splicing, and other CATV industry-related assignments.
They Offer all facets of fiber design, construction, splicing, and high-level testing in aerial, buried, and underground applications.
Their primary location is in California.
In the last 7 years, they have added two more locations by way of acquisitions, in Arizona and Puerto Rico.
The combined revenue for all 3 locations for 2024 was around $39 million.
With an EBITDA of over $10 million.
- They have 220 full-time employees.
- The business has been growing at the rate of double-digit for the past several years.
- The business grew by 31% in 2024 over 2023.
- The owner wishes to retire but will stay with the company for a year or two for a smooth transition.
- The right buyer would be a larger industry buyer.
Each location is stand-alone Corporation.
Buyer will have the option to buy 1, 2 or all 3 locations.