ZBB2221 Brand Name Product FDA Certified Medical Device Manufacturer, TV and Major Retail Distribution
Brand Name, Trademarked, Patented, FDA Certified Medical Device that is sold in Major Retail brick and mortar as well as websites such as Amazon, Retiring Industry Executive.
Product supported by $6,000,000+ in TV advertising.
3rd Party Vendors Perform nearly every process, excluding Brand Management.
Manufacturing is done overseas in China, Ships to Port of LA, trucked directly to 3PL Distribution Warehouse(s) that fulfills ALL distribution channels, Individual consumer orders from TV advertising via IVR System, Online website orders, caseload orders to the Retailers such as Walmart & Amazon.
Independent outsourced Sales representatives secure the big box retailers, consumer sales are IVR Vendor and even Customer Service is third-party.
You can acquire the entire company with a management team in place OR this is an ideal opportunity for an Industry professional to secure ownership of the Brand, piggyback new SKU into this existing distribution and turnkey profits.
In short, you can buy just the Brand, where NO employees will transfer with the sale OR there is the option of Buying the whole company, along with the remaining "other brands" and 5 person staff is a great option should you need Management & Staff.
Either scenario, same price.
For initial analysis, you may assume that the operations are MORE profitable when buying the entire company, however you will have the responsibility of employees