ZBB2305 Established FedEx Routes for Sale – Veteran Owner Retiring After 15 Years!
Established FedEx Routes for Sale –Owner Retiring After 16 Years! Operating in East Bay with $1.
6M Sales in 2023!
This owner has other businesses and spends approximately 6 hours per week on the FedEx business.
He has a long term manager and a team of 13-15 long-term drivers.
Spanning across middle-class neighborhoods, the routes cover zip codes with excellent road infrastructure, ensuring accessibility.
Retail locations and businesses along the routes offer ample parking and delivery zones, facilitating efficient operations.
In 2023, sales were $1,598,56 and have a fleet of 15 trucks.
This opportunity has stability and growth potential.
Current owner is in excellent standing with FedEx.
Seller Financing of $500,000 is available for qualified buyers.