ZBB2329 Very Profitable Auto Repair with AAA Referral Certification
Very profitable North Orange County auto repair company with SDE earnings of over $400,000 in 2023 has been a continual producer and it is priced to sell! With seven double bays and lots of parking the owner has streamlined the operation and has attracted very profitable clients.
The company is AAA Certified, hence, the Auto Club refers their insurance claims clients to the company for their mechanical repair needs.
The AAA certification also attracts many other auto service companies to refer clients that need mechanical repair as well (such as lube companies, fleet managers, other smog test stations, tire companies, etc.
With an ASE certification and a Smog Certification mechanical repair, they have full capability to handle all jobs.
This is a must see for an expanding auto repair company or anyone with an auto mechanic background (ASE certiication preferred)and wants to take it to another level.
The company has 4 mechanics besides the owner.
The facility is very visible and has plenty of parking on a dedicated parcel.
With 7 double bays, the facility has substantial room available for expansion.
Saturday hours would increase business as well.
Very desirable existing lease.
The books are clean (pre-qualified for SBA financing)! The owner plans to retire although he will consider a relationship beyond a transition period.
Call Roger Civalleri at (310)384-5665 or email to roger.
com now for more details but act now before it is too late.